What is the Difference Between Love and Lust?

What is the difference between love and lust? Well, in simple terms lust is that excitement that you get when caught by your wife while you’re having sex and love is that natural and intense emotion that develops from deep within a person. Understanding the love and lust differences in a relationship will surely help you in making your wife love you more and in giving you more sexual pleasure.

Generally, love and lust are two different states of mind and emotions. According to popular opinion, love is that powerful emotion that develops inside you and it slowly spreads like a flower throughout your body and makes your partner feel great whenever you are near him/her.

On the other hand, lust is that strong desire that you feel when you see or meet that certain person. Both of these emotions are developed from deep inside a person and they are not just developed for some time. Both of them have their own pace and are not equal.

Most of the time, people tend to forget the fact that love and lust are two different feelings that can not be compared to each other. The reason for this is because they are related to each other. Lust just happens by default and love on the other hand develops from deep inside a person. Therefore, comparing them is not at all an accurate and apt comparison.

For example, imagine that you go out with your girlfriend and she tries to seduce you, but she doesn’t manage to make you go crazy with lust. Then, you start thinking that your girlfriend might not love you as much as you love her. This makes you angry with her because you feel that you are falling in love and you want to go beyond the level of passion that is present.

However, once you are able to control yourself and seduce her successfully, you feel that all the lustful thoughts that you had been just a part of your imagination. Hence, when you see your girlfriend falling in love with another man, it does not feel real because you have managed to transform your love into an emotion. However, this transformation is not something that can be compared to the transformation that lust feels like.

In order to know what is the difference between love and lust, it is important to understand the differences between these two states. For instance, most people feel love and happiness when they are happy and when they are secure in themselves; whereas, lust feels like excess or the absence of love and happiness.

Most people also think that love and desire are one and the same. Lust is just an emotion whereas love is something that is related to one’s will to remain with the one who loves. This means that in order to understand love, one must also know what is the difference between lust and love.

In the end, it all comes down to one’s will. While there are physical attractions that cause lust, it all ends up with a purely emotional bond. The man’s mind tends to play tricks on him and convinces him that he has found the love of his life. This is why the most successful relationships are those which are based on true feelings between two partners. While lust is more of an impulse than anything else, love is a completely different concept altogether.